Saturday, December 20, 2014

December 20th

This morning the boys opened the 20th advent stocking.  It said to go to the snow and make a snowman.
 Under the tree, the boys found new coats and gloves.  Also a snowman in a box kit that Mommy had made them.
 The kit included eyes, a carrot nose, coal mouth pieces, buttons and a scarf. 
 Then the boys opened their 20th book
 and Daddy read it to them.
 We all loaded up and headed up Mt. Hood to find the snow. 
 Uncle Eric and Ellyse joined us for the fun, advent activity. 
Look at those bright coats!
 Everyone got right to work rolling the snow,
 to make a body for the snowman.
 Daddy made the bottom piece.
 Ellyse and Beckett worked together to make the head.
 Once the body was finished, everyone started putting the snowman kit pieces on.
 Putting on the Finishing Touches
 That is one cute snowman!
 Afterwards it was time for a SNOWBALL fight!
 Everyone ganged up on Uncle Eric.
 Mommy and Sterling just watched the craziness.
 Tonight Beckett pulled the 20th chain.  The story was about Jonah and the Whale. 

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