Thursday, January 24, 2013

Around the House

A special gift came in the mail this week... Beckett and Pierce got their Benny the Beaver Membership Cards!  Beckett was so excited that he wore the lanyard around the house all afternoon. 
 This week we also whipped up a new batch of play dough. 
 It smelled delicious
 and was super fun to play with.
 Our sweet neighbor, Bob, came over with some Tinkertoys for the boys. 
 Hours were spent building with these...
 Building is one of Beckett's favorite things to do.  He loves his Legos, blocks, Tinkertoys, trains, but his favorite are the MagnaTiles.  He got these for Christmas and plays with them every day. 
 A new interest for Beckett is photography.  Whenever he sees the camera out, he asks for a turn.  So here are a few of his latest pics...
 A picture of his favorite book...
Gotta love it! :)

1 comment:

Grandma Sally said...

Beckett is amazing with the camera, he takes better pictures than I do.