Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Bunch of Sickies

The flu bug hit the Lunde house hard this past weekend/week.  So we have spent the week recuperating and having fun!

I think someone loves his big brother. :)
 Beckett's favorite game is Candy Land and we have played it A LOT this week. 
 We also have spent lots of time with puzzles.
 Today we broke out the play dough tools, only to discover some very icky looking play dough. 
 So we took the old play dough that really needed to be thrown away and made Play Dough Soup!
 This was quite the activity.  Beckett spent over 30 minutes making it!
 The boys always love their snack time.  We sure have missed our friends this week, but are so glad that we have each other!
 Of course we made a craft or two!
 Lots of time has been spent in the kitchen, that is the play kitchen. :)
 We have a future little chef on our hands!


Grandma Sally said...

The boys grow up so fast. Enjoy every stage!
They certainly have great role models for becoming
wonderful chefs.

Mary O said...

Play-doh soup is a great idea! I'm so glad you're all feeling better.