Sunday, October 26, 2014

Letter H

This week we worked on the letter H,
 the number 8, color white and shape rectangle. 
 At the start of the week, we took Halloween candy and practiced making patterns. 
 Pierce got the hang of it pretty quickly.
 We also took a white crayon and wrote on a white sheet of paper the boys' names.  Then they painted with watercolors over them.  The white crayon came through the paint. 
 This kid LOVES to paint!
 H is for Halloween
We painted Halloween masks.
 Pretty Cute
Beckett worked more on his workbooks
 and completed another one.
GG and Grandma came for the weekend and brought him more.  
 One night during the week when Daddy was away on business, we had a very special dinner...ABC Chicken Nuggets!
 H is for Hatching
The boys had these cool eggs that they put into water.  A few days later, a chick and a bird hatched from the egg.
 H is for Hide and Seek
Beckett made a bunch of H cards.  Then we took turns hiding them around the house and the others tried to find them.
 Our verse of the week was "He will rejoice over you with joy, He will rest in His love, He will rejoice over you with singing." Zephaniah 3:17.  Our story of the week was about the 10 Commandments.
 After reading the story, we danced around to the 10 Commandment Boogie.  If you have never heard the song, you have to check it out.  We listened to it SO many times and had quite the dance party!!
 After all the dancing, we played cars.  First we had no rules and drove however we wanted.  Then we put up stop signs and other traffic signals.  We talked about how the rules help make things better and safer for us, just like the 10 Commandments. 
 H is for Habitat
The boys sorted animals based on their habitats.
 H is for Hand prints
 We painted our hands
 and made Hand print Monsters.
 H is for Heart
The hearts are made with the boys' hand prints.
 Our devotion was H is for Helping.
The boys helped throughout the week with various things.  Beckett fed Sterling lunch.
 Sterling was not too sure about this!
 Pierce made Beckett a sandwich.
 H is for Halloween Costumes
When Grandma was here, she made crowns with the boys
 for their Halloween costumes.  Beckett is going to be King Josiah and Pierce just wanted to make a crown too!  Nana made these awesome king robes!
H is for Happy
The boys were very happy to have movie night with Grandma and Cousin Mason.
 H is for Hooray 
The boys enjoyed a fun game of cards with the grandmas.
 Here is Beckett's work sample for the week...

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