Monday, July 16, 2012

Barrel to Keg Race

On Saturday Grant and I participated in the Barrel to Keg Relay Race, with four of our great friends.  The race started at Harris Bridge Vineyards (the barrel) and ended at Rogue Brewery (the keg).  It was a 70 mile race. 
 Grant started off the relay race for our team.  His first leg was the most difficult of all the legs on the race.  He is pictured behind the hippie. :)  The hippie was pointing out the large mountain that they were about to run up. 
 Off he goes...
 Then it was Matt's turn.
 Mary was right there with her whistle and timer.
 Next was Cassera's leg, followed by my leg.  Here we are pictured at the exchange...
 Very excited to be running!
 Next up, Kyle!  He was VERY, VERY excited to be running!
 Team Captain Matt did a great job keeping track of times and making sure we all stayed on course. 
 Then it was Mary's turn.
 After six legs of the race, it was time to do it all again!  Matt took on his second leg. He was pumped up! 
 Then it was Grant, for a LONG leg (8.28 miles!).
Our team was sponsored by the protein recovery drink, Fitness Edge. Here is Matt giving a thumbs up for the drink...
 OSU Alumni
The girls all wore a little OSU on our second legs.
 This race was the most I have ever run.  My total mileage was 10 miles. 
 Throughout the day, we waited along the road to cheer on our team and provide water. 
 Also we had a little fun too!  Grant and Kyle thought that Cassera needed a bridge to run through. 
 LOTS and LOTS of time in the car.  It was 10 1/2 hours to be exact! :)
 Mary finished up the race by running over and under the Newport Bridge. 
 Our team at the finish line, with the barrel and keg.
 We ALL made it to Newport. 
 Afterwards the Duvalls and the Little Lundes met up with us at the brewery to celebrate the finish!
Go Team Fitness Edge!!

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