Sunday, May 16, 2010

Weekend Fun

Tummy Time!Dad and Beckett all ready for church. Love the matching outfits!!Beckett and his friend Kaellen at church. Kaellen is 3 days older than Beckett. The boys were the same size at birth, but it looks like Beckett is taking the lead in that area! Aunt Carolyn's 55th BirthdayEven though it was Auntie's birthday, she got him a present. Beckett loves books!!


GrammaGG said...

Good evening! Looks like it was a good day with family! Wish I could have been there to join in going to church and the party. Carolyn and the Beckett both look like they are enjoying the book, and the boys look quite handsome in their Sunday go to Meeting clothes! Looks like the family is glad to be back together again! Did Nana get down from Portland for her week of happiness? Love and Hugs, Grandma/GG and Pookie

Anonymous said...

How precious is that "tummy time" picture?!
Looking forward to spending vacation next week with Beckett! We will have fun reading books together :-)
Love, Grandma Sally