Thursday, May 6, 2010

Maternity Leave is Almost Over

This is my last week of maternity leave. Beckett and I have enjoyed every minute of our 13 weeks together. Beckett loves to play on the floor and sing songs with his mom.

Beckett has started giggling the last couple of weeks! It is the most precious sound.

Beckett hanging out in his favorite spot...his bouncy chair.

Another shot of Beckett in his bouncy chair. He spends a lot of time in the chair, while his mom is cooking!

Lately Beckett has been wanting to be held ALL the time. My new solution is putting him in the front pack and wearing it around the house. He likes it especially when I vacuum. The noise puts him right to sleep!

Grant's solution is carrying him around. He likes that too!!


Anonymous said...

What a handsome little boy!
Love, Grandma Sally

Ellie Angove said...

He is so cute Alicia! I am sure that you made the most of every minute of your maternity leave. I hope the transition back to work goes smoothly and that the remainder of the school year goes by quickly for you!

Marcie Duvall said...

the time does fly by so fast...I hope the end of the school year goes by with ease and you can get back to enjoying your little guy! BTW Caylee when through a 'need to be carried or held' faze as well...the front pack was my saving grace during those times...we danced and sang and did all sorts of stuff while she was attached to me...great memories now!!