Sunday, July 6, 2014

4th of July

Grandma came up to Portland to visit us for the 4th of July.
 We were so excited to see her.  In the morning, we headed to Hillsboro to watch the parade. 
 Who needs pack mules when you have a couple of daddies? 
 Before the parade started, the kids colored on the street.
 Sterling and Grandma
 Watching the Parade
 Sweet Boys
 This was the boys' favorite float.  They said it was a silly clown in a shoe.  They had no idea who Ronald McDonald was. 
 We have been blessed to meet some pretty amazing new friends up in Portland.  And reunite with old ones too!
 After the parade we headed back to the house to prepare a BBQ.
 Sterling Lou and Great Grandpa Frank Lou
 The boys played a little baseball.
 Fun in the Jumper
 This face says it all.
 Sterling with Baby Lunde (making his arrival soon!)
 After the BBQ, it was time for fireworks.
 The boys loved the sparklers.
 Maybe next year we will venture out to the bigger fireworks, but for the time being they are content with sparklers. 
 Sterling was fascinated by it all.
 Happy 4th of July
 from the Lundes!

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