Sunday, December 23, 2012

December 23rd

Only a couple more days until Christmas!!!!
This morning we got up and headed to church. 
 In Beckett's Sunday School class, they were having a birthday party for Baby Jesus. 
 They even played Pin the Star on the Tree.  Beckett had so much fun!  His Sunday School teachers are amazing. 
 Our planned Advent activity had been to bake Jesus a birthday cake, but since Beckett already had cake at church we switched the plan.  We decided to go caroling instead.  We went by Grandpa and Grandma's house to sing. 
Here is a video clip...

MVI 8053 from Alicia Lunde on Vimeo.
 After the caroling, we continued the Advent activity by taking change to the Salvation Army change collector. 
 Beckett wanted to make sure the money stayed in there. :)

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