Monday, August 9, 2010

Tonights Dinner...Butternut Squash

Tonight was the first night that I used my Beaba to make Beckett baby food. Butternut squash was on the menu. You put the squash into the Beaba and then it steams it.
After it is done steaming, you turn the knob to puree it.
Wah-lah! Dinner is served. There was enough for dinner and 7 servings to freeze for later.
Thanks Grandpa Dan and Grandma Donna for this awesome kitchen tool and all the neat accessories that go with it!


Auntie Tera said...

That gadget looks pretty cool. I know you told me how cool it is, but I didn't know it actually steams it too!! and Beckett looks like he likes that much better than the rice cereal :) Does that container thing come with it too??

Lunde Family said...

No the Beaba is sold by itself. But then you can get the freezer trays, bowls, spoons, and even a cookbook to go with it. Beckett loves the spoons! I like the bowls because they are shaped kinda like a dog dish!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, nice gift, Grandpa Dan & Grandma Donna. Beckett will be eating healthy food :-)

Dana & Sally