Thursday, May 11, 2017

Grandpa and Grandma

Grandpa and Grandma came up to watch the big boys play baseball and do their belt testing for tae kwondo.  Then they stayed to watch the little ones, while we took our trip to Palm Springs.
While they were here, they got to see Cousin Mason and James.
The Little Cousins
These two LOVE their Grandpa and Grandma. They got lots of special time!!
Auntie even came over to hang out!
Having fun at the zoo!
5:30 AM Snuggles....only a grandma truly appreciates these EARLY morning snuggles!
Ice Cream with Grandpa
Uncle Brent stopped by for a visit too.
Marshall sure thought he was pretty special!
We could not have gone on the trip without the help of Grandpa and Grandma.  They were amazing, as usual!

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