Saturday, January 23, 2016

First Basketball Game

Today Beckett had his first basketball game.
He is playing in a Christian sports league called Upward Sports.   
 Beckett had lots of fun on the court.
 And fun on the sidelines with Coach Daddy too.
 There are cheerleaders for the games.  This was hilarious because the boys were not too sure what was going on!
 Nana and Marshall cheered brother on!
 Afterwards the boys got snacks and received stars for their jerseys.  Beckett was given a yellow star, which was for good sportsmanship.  The coaches recognized his good attitude and smile that he had on the court.
 Beckett and his two buddies!

1 comment:

Grandma Sally said...

Thank you for sharing the pictures. I was thinking about Beckett and his first basketball game today.
Looks like everyone had a great time! See you in a couple weeks!