Saturday, March 21, 2015

Letter T, U, V

Wow!  I'm a little behind on the preschool blogging.  The last few weeks we worked on the letters T, U and V.
 We made it to the number 20.  Now we are working on review of 1-20 and starting to work on some basic addition.
 The verse of the week for the letter T...
 The last three weeks we have been working on more written work.  Beckett still loves his workbook.  Probably because it is a kindergarten book and he thinks he is a big boy!
 One of the highlights of the week is when the boys work on ABC Mouse on the laptop.
 Our U devotion was U is for Unselfish.
 Verse of the Week...
 Handwriting Practice
On the table you might notice the BOB Books set.  I have been using the series with Beckett to learn to read.  He is doing awesome and is able to read several of the books now.
 One day we made some playdough
 and then played.
 Last week we worked on the letter V.
 V is for Visitors
We are almost to the end of the alphabet!

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