Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Magic School Bus Birthday Party

Today we celebrated the boys' birthdays, with a Magic School Bus Party.
 Mommy dressed as Miss Frizzle and the boys wore their bus shirts.
 Grandpa and Grandma bought the boys a year membership to the Portland Children's Museum. So that is where we had the party.
The museum was the perfect spot for our messy, science-filled party!
 There were lots of books,
 and treats.
 At the start of the party, the kids played with Magnatiles
 and colored.
 We had family come to town for the party.
 Sweet Cousins
 Once the party started, the kids participated in several science projects.
 We blew up balloons, using soda and candy.
 Next we had an egg experiment.
 The kids walked on egg shells, without breaking them.
 This surprised them. 
 The third experiment was making Elephant Toothpaste.
 The last experiment was making ice cream. 
 The kids were excited about this part!
 The kids put cream, vanilla extract and sugar in a baggie.  Then that baggie was placed inside a large bag with ice and salt.
 Even the babies were in on the fun!
 Liz the Lizard was a hit at the party!
 Ready, Set...
 And More Shaking!
 This experiment produced yummy ice cream.
 What goes great with ice cream at 10am?  CUPCAKES!
 Make a Wish
After the experiments, the kids had the rest of the day to play in the museum. Beckett and Olsons had fun in the stage area.
 Pierce wanted to paint.
 Millie the Artist
 Sterling was quite the party animal.  He took a little nap, during all the excitement. 
 There was a real artist in the Artist Studio.
 Future Artists????
Beckett and Grandpa made a Scribble Robot.
Before we left, the boys did a little face painting.
 Lookin' Good
 Whew!  What a party!  Afterwards we came home and read some "Magic School Bus" books
 and opened presents.

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