Thursday, July 25, 2013

Curry County Fair

Tonight after Daddy got off work, we headed up to the Curry County Fair. 
 Beckett had been looking through the fair booklet all week and wanted to ride the Ferris Wheel.  Here is the little guy way up in the air...
 Then we all went on the bouncing cars ride. 
 Mommy and Pierce stuck to the calm train ride,
 while Beckett rode the alligator roller coaster. 
 At the end we ask him if it had been fun and he said it was scary!
 After all the rides we headed to the barns
 to see the animals. 
 Pierce LOVED this part!
 The boys even got to pet a couple of pigs. 
 We checked out some bunnies that our friends had put in the fair. 
 There was a BMX bike show that we were able to watch.
 What a great evening!

1 comment:

Mary O said...

You're such a good sport for going on the rides!