Thursday, June 14, 2012

Mr. Helper

Daddy has been away on business, so Beckett has become the little helper of the house this week.  This morning he told me that he wanted to change Pierce's diaper.   
 At bathtime Beckett told me that he wanted to wash Pierce's hair.  Pierce doesn't look too sure about it!
 Beckett has helped to entertain Pierce.  Here he is tickling him...
 And of course, Beckett shared a few stories with Pierce. 
 Not only did Beckett help with Pierce, but also with household things too!  The lock got jammed on the door to the garage, so Grandpa came over to take a look. 
 Good Ol' Beckett was there to give a little assistance. 


Mom (Grandma Sally) said...

So cute! Beckett is so little (28 months old) but learning to be so helpful. You are definitely teaching him how to help others. You are a wonderful Mother, Alicia. I am very proud of you!

Dad said...

Good Job Beckett - way to pick-up the slack when Daddy's gone. Can't wait to get back!