Saturday, May 12, 2012

Trip to the ER

For the past few days, Beckett had been sick, with cold symptoms, fever, and a cough. 

On Friday morning, I decided to take him into Urgent Care because his breathing seemed to be getting more labored and his cough was getting worse.  The doctor was concerned and wanted to transport us to the hospital, due to his breathing.  We chose to drive down to the hospital. 
They gave Beckett several breathing treatments, lung x-rays, and an oral steroid.  They thought they should have Beckett stay overnight to monitor him.  Finally after 8 hours of being at Urgent Care and the ER, the pediatrician came in and checked him.  Beckett's breathing had improved enough to go home!  The pediatrician determined that Beckett had probably started with a virus and then got a bacterial infection on top of that.  In the x-ray they could see that he has pneumonia. 
Poor guy!  He kept telling us "all done" and "let's go."  Auntie saved the day by showing up with her Kindle for some excitement.  
By the end of the day, we were all so exhausted and ready to go home!  


Mary O said...

:( I hope Beckett feels better soon. It's no fun being so sick!

Auntie said...

Beckett was a trooper for being stuck in that little room all day...yes he was done! I hope he gets well soon.