Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Last Few Days

The last few days have flown by.  The extra help around the house has been a life saver.  Grandma is officially off duty and now Daddy is on duty for the rest of the week.  We have received so many wonderful meals from family and friends since we have been home.  I have not had to cook dinner once!  What a blessing. 

Everyone keeps asking how Beckett is adjusting and the answer is...probably the best out of all of us!  He has been getting lots of special attention and here he is with is new play dough set Grandma got him.  I think he has gotten as many gifts as Pierce has! :)
 Beckett calls himself "helper" which he certainly is. 
 Pierce is 6 days old today.
 We still can't get over how small he is.  When we took him to the doctor's appointment on Monday he was 7 pounds, 8 ounces.  He just seems so tiny!
 The Lundes are a worn out bunch.  Here is Daddy and Pierce asleep on the couch, before 8pm!


Mary O said...

Is he 6 days old already??? Those are great pics, and cute boys!

Tera said...

he is so tiny!! That rookie outfit was one of my favorite ones!! Except when Mason wore it there was no long sleeve undershirt, and he wasn't wearing pants because it was so warm out :)

Marcie Duvall said...

your posts make my heart smile with love and light! what a beautiful family you both have built! Grant asleep with Pierce is priceless and hearing that Beckett is adjusting well and is such a helper is wonderful news...loves to you all!!! xoxo