Friday, December 9, 2011

Advent Day 9 Activity- Chari Tree and Trains

Tonight's activity was going to the Chari Tree event at the shopping center.  The shopping center was full of Christmas trees that had been decorated and were being auctioned off, by local charities.  And yes, this was the best picture I got of Beckett in front of a tree.  He was right in the middle of saying "cheese!"
 Santa was there and Beckett was not crazy about him.  He actually started crying, when Grant took him close to the bearded man!
 We finally got Beckett close enough for a picture, by Santa enticing him with a candy cane.  But he still wouldn't look at Santa.
 Beckett's favorite part of the night was looking at the trains. 
 He would have stayed there all night, if we would have let him!

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