Friday, August 19, 2011

It's a...

Today we went to my 20 week appointment and had the ultrasound to find out if we were having a boy or girl.  Here is a cute photo of the face...
It's a BOY!!!!
 Here is a 3D picture of baby boy's face and his little hand...


Marcie Duvall said...

YAY another Lunde boy!!!! very exciting news and such precious ultrasound pics...well the "it's a boy" one doesn't fall in the precious file but you get what I mean hahaha...much love to you guys!!

deaconlarsen said...

I told Naomi 2 weeks ago I knew it was a boy! I am spot on! Congratulations!!


How wonderful!! Congratulations to you both...Beckett will have a "little brother" to share the ways of the world, just like his Dad with Uncle Brett. Love to you all...