Monday, April 25, 2011

April Family Fun Outing

For our Family Fun Outing this month, Dad took Beckett and I to the Portland's Children Museum.  Beckett and I had been once before, but this was Dad's first time. 
We started in the Dig Pit, where Beckett played with lots of trucks and rocks (they were old soles of shoes!).
 Then we painted Beckett's face. 
 The water room was lots of fun!  Beckett played with a few of the things,
 but then ended up just standing under a sprinkler and getting soaked. 
I think Dad might have been having the most fun out of everyone! 
Then we headed to Beckett's favorite area...the grocery store.  Dad showed him how to be the cashier 
and then Beckett quickly switched spots with him and rang up Dad's groceries.  Monkey see, monkey do!
Speaking of monkies...The special exhibit right now is Curious George.  Beckett was very excited to meet the monkey he reads about in his books.  

1 comment:

Tera said...

Fun! I knew Grant would have fun. Neal is jealous because when we went the water table was occupied (with kids of course). Can't wait until we can take Beckett and Mason! Grant and Neal will have a blast!