Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Weekend 2010

For Labor Day we spent the weekend over in Sunriver.We were joined by Beckett's Nana, Uncle Brett, Uncle Eric, and Ashley. Also Beckett's Grandpa Dana (not pictured) and Grandma Sally came over too.
Beckett loves being with family. When they are around, he is not spoiled or anything! :)
We rented a great house and enjoyed relaxing in it.
Here is a cute picture of Beckett and Nana having coffee. He is wearing the new hat that his Great Grandma Naomi made him.
The weather was great and we spent a lot of time outside. Beckett was busy looking at the trees in this picture. While we were there we spent some time at the pool,went fishing, rode bikes,
played Glow Golfing (actually Beckett and I were the score keepers!),posed for lots of pictures (this is in the Glow Golf place- it did not look that creepy in the dark! The camera just doesn't show the light effects.),and of course read lots of books!Beckett turned 7 months old while we were there. It is amazing to see how much he has grown and changed these last few months. Look at him sitting up all by himself. He loves to pose for the camera these days!


Auntie said...

Good pictures! 7 months old....Wow.

Auntie said...

The swimming video cracks me up!

Anonymous said...

I haven't looked at your blog in a long time and I just caught up! Beckett is so cute and your family looks incredibly happy. I miss you at work, but I am so happy for you that you get to take a year off to spend with your family. Hope to see you soon!
Victoria :)