Saturday, July 10, 2010

Saturday with Beckett

Beckett LOVES to get up early. He must get that from his dad. Good thing they are both early birds, especially when Beckett gets up at 5:15 AM! Look at these smiling faces in the morning!!
Since Beckett gets up so early, he has lots of time to play with his toys. Here he is playing with the Disney car that his Nana and Great Grandma Naomi got him. This afternoon we went over to Grandma's house to see family. Beckett meet his Great Aunt Kitty and Uncle Sets. Also his cousin Honie Rose (seen below) and all his little cousins Lizzy, Jackson, and Kalie.
Beckett and Dad had fun relaxing in the backyard. Love the new hat. Thanks Honie Rose!! Beckett can wear this one when he is not on a safari.
This evening the Olson crew came over for dinner and fun! Here are the boys and Millie playing soccer.
Finally, Beckett's favorite time of day...bath time!
A goodnight story and off to bed. A full day of fun for Beckett!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Wow! You are fast with the pictures, Alicia. And those boys are WAY too happy to be up at 5:15 in the morning. Thank goodness for daddies!