Friday, June 20, 2014

Week in Sunriver

These week the boys and Mama headed out on a road trip to Sunriver,
 where we met up with the Olson Family.
 We were SO excited to see them!
 As soon as we got there, the kids got right to playing. 
 On Tuesday we went to Bouncing off the Wall,
 where the kids played on a bunch of inflatables and there were games too. 
 In the afternoon we headed to the village.  The kids were super excited to ride the train.
 Then we played a little mini-golf.
 This is how Beckett played
 and this is how Pierce played.
 This year Beckett met the height requirement for the bumper cars.
 Ready for Action
 Millie was one serious driver.
 Beckett said this was his favorite activity we did during the week.
 Afterwards we headed to the sweatshirt shop to get new duds.
 All the kids and their new sweatshirts.
 Of course we had to stop by the ice cream shop.
 Evie was always right there to help with Pierce.
 On Wednesday the sun was shining, so we spent the day at the pool.
The boys loved the sand area
 that was next to the pool.
 After the boys tired of the little pool, they put on their life jackets
 and headed to the big pool with the big kids.
 Ollie helped Pierce stay in the shallow water.  Pierce kept trying to get deeper and deeper.
 Beckett Boy
 Sweet Sterling lounged in the shade.
 Mary was awesome and helped the boys in the pool.
 Break Time
 That evening the kiddos rode bikes.
 Pierce was really getting the hang of his scooter.
 Beckett had lots of fun of the Olson's 360.
 Even Pierce got a try.
 Look at Millie go!
 Popsicle Time
 All that fun sure wore the kids out.
 On Thursday we headed back to the pool.
 Beckett did a great job swimming on the second day.  He was much more comfortable in the water.
 Ready to Swim
 Sterling and Mama hung out poolside.
There were so many things for Sterling to watch.
 Fun with Mary
 In the afternoon we headed inside to the indoor pool.
 Ollie and Piercey
 Then it was time to go home for dinner.
 Today we headed back to Portland, but before we left we went to the park.
 King of the Tower
 Playing Tether Ball
 What a fabulous trip, with special friends!!

1 comment:

Grandma Sally said...

Great pictures. Looks like everyone had a great time. Thanks for sharing!!