Saturday, February 5, 2011

Beckett's First Bithday Bash

After a month of planning, Beckett's first birthday arrived! The theme of the party was Dr. Seuss. Here are his rally flags and the beta fish that were given out as party favors. Here is the entry table, with the book (Happy Birthday to You! By Dr. Seuss) that everyone signed when they arrived. Here is his birthday banner and labeled waters. Here is a little yummy food... green eggs and ham (sandwiches).How about some red fish and blue fish?

And of course some cupcakes!! And Beckett's special 1 cupcake!


Anonymous said...

You guys really know how to celebrate!! It was fun spending time with friends and family.
Grant and Beckett are such a blessing to our family!
Love, Grandma Sally

Ellie Angove said...

Alicia you did such a great job on Beckett's party!!! Everything was so creative and fun!! We had a great time and we are enjoying our fish Goldie. ;) Leif wants to know where her mommy is. haha