Sunday, October 19, 2014

Letter G

 This week we focused on the letter G,
 the number 7
 and the shape of rectangle.
 Our verse of the week...
 Our devotion was G is for God.
 We made a "Giving Thanks Tree" and have been writing down all the things we are thankful for.
 G is for Gardening
 We continued to work on Beckett writing his name.  He can do it all by himself now.
 We made patterns out of shapes.
 Then we had fun making lots of different designs.
 G is for God
This week I started morning devotions with the two older boys.  I ordered some boy devotions off of Amazon and they are so much fun!  It is a great way to start the day.
We were given three books from the set "What is God Like" and read them this week.  These books are awesome and teach some pretty complex topics!
 Even Sterling read with us.
G is for Giving
 Beckett "read" the boys a story out of his Bible.  Then Momma had a turn reading to the boys about the Widow's Offering.  We talked about what giving to the Lord looks like. 
 After the story, Beckett did some coin rubbing and we talked about the different values that each coin had.
 G is for Getting Frustrated
Momma is having Sterling work on crawling.  He does not always enjoy it!
 G is for Growing Crystals
The boys took warm water and Borax
 and mixed them together.
 Then we took pipe cleaners and made the four shapes that we have learned about.  We put the shapes in the water and waited a few days.
 Then we had crystals!
 This week we practiced a lot with the numbers 1-7.  We worked on more and less than. 
 Pierce loves to do what big brother does!
Beckett challenges me each day to come up with more and more preschool activities!  This kid loves to learn and is always wanting more.  We have flown through several workbooks.  Right now we are half way through a kindergarten level workbook.
 Our color of the week was black.  We made Halloween pictures on black paper, using white crayons.
 Here is Beckett's work sample for the week..
 Thumbs up for another week of preschool!


Daddy said...

oh so much fun! I especially love Sterling Getting frustrated on the crawling... classic pic!

Grandma Sally said...

Great job teaching, Mrs. Lunde!

Nice work, Beckett, on writing your name :-)